Monday, November 11, 2013

Scripture Study: Consistency over Quantity

Jesus Christ once taught that He was the bread of life and that whosoever ate Him (or consumed His teachings) would have eternal life. As I studied this biblical analogy, I realized that it demonstrates an interesting aspect of Scripture Study. In God's eyes, consistency is far more important than quantity.

A single loaf of bread can feed and satisfy us for a short period of time, but it cannot sustain us for the rest of our lives. In a similar fashion, a quick peek in the scriptures cannot sustain us through all of the challenges of life. In order for us to survive this hectic world, we need the daily nourishment that comes from feasting on the scriptures everyday.

Something I've learned is that God never enforced a quota as to how long or how much of the scriptures we read at the time. People who try to revive a starving soul by binge reading will choke on the attempt. Instead of rushing to read as much and learn as much as we can, God wants us to read everyday and gradually increase our knowledge through study and prayer. We should remember that the God who calls for patience in all of His children is patient Himself.

Just like how addictive habits can damage and destroy our lives, positive habits such as prayer and scripture study can give us strength during times of hardship, temptation, and weakness. I know that the study habits I've made in my life have supported me and allowed me to bring peace to my family. I pray that all men will find joy in the simple verses of the Holy Scriptures.

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