Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Modern Commandments: The Word of Wisdom

"I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation..." Doctrine and Covenants 89:4

"Be glad that we don't need to say no to bacon"
In the process of restoring the Church of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith established what he called The School of the Prophets. It was a special doctrinal class for the men whom he had called to be modern Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. Joseph was a Prophet, a chosen servant of the Lord, but he needed the Apostles to be prepared for their duties.

When Joseph stepped into the class, he was usually greeted by a cloud of smoke. Some of the Apostles smoked, some of them chewed, but nearly all of them used tobacco of some form. Joseph would watch as they lit their pipes, grabbed another wad, and then began discussing the doctrines of Jesus Christ. Something about that struck Joseph as strange...

At some point during those days, Joseph heard from his wife, Emma. They had been holding The School of The Prophets in the upper floor of their store and it had fallen to Emma's responsibility to clean the room. "Joseph, our floor is stained with tobacco, and I can hardly breathe in this smoke. What do you think the Lord thinks of this?" This question must have surprised Joseph. Smoking was common practice in those days, so he may never have considered what the Lord thought of it before. "Perhaps I should ask." He decided.

Thus was the Word of Wisdom revealed to the World. God had revealed health related commandments before, but never had He revealed one specially adapted to the modern days. "In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation..."

What is The Word of Wisdom?

The Word of Wisdom is God's standard for what our bodies should consume. A central part of our purpose in being born was to gain a body. Our bodies and spirits are interconnected, strength in one can lead to strength in the other and vice versa, and so it's important to understand how to best take care of our bodies.

God has revealed that alcohol and tobacco are not meant to be consumed. He has also revealed that coffee and tea are not good for our bodies. Prophets after Joseph Smith further explained that we need to avoid any substance that alters or harms our body and mind or creates dependency within us.

Beyond these warnings, God also revealed several positive health principles. Grains and fruits were divinely approved. Meat was also approved, but it was to be consumed sparingly.  God revealed alternate uses for alcohol and tobacco (one as a cleansing agent, the other for bruises). He then explained that all who obey the Word of Wisdom will receive improved health, treasures of knowledge, increased strength, and will be spared from the destroying angel.

Why Should I Follow The Word of Wisdom?

The reasons for following the Word of Wisdom are fairly visible. The substances mentioned in the Word of Wisdom are addictive and end up weakening our freedom to choose. They also damage our body and make it more difficult to feel God's love and influence. Despite these obvious blessings and cursings, people choose not to believe in it. I have been asked many times why God would care if they drunk, smoke, etc. I believe that this doubt comes because people become afraid of being held accountable for their habits. Satan tells people that they can't quit, that they aren't strong enough to quit, or that they're better off not trying. He tries to convince them that they should just get comfortable smoking or drinking because they're stuck.

Most concerns about The Word of Wisdom are founded on misunderstandings or lies from the adversary. Here are some of the false ideas that Satan tries to plant in our hearts and why they're completely wrong.

If I relapse, I've failed!

From my personal experience with dealing with habits, I know that God is patient with us, even after moments of weakness. Overcoming addiction is a lot like riding a bike, when we start out we're going to fall a few times, but that's not going to disqualify us. As long as we're trying our best, we will improve. As we improve, we will fall less often and our falls will be safer (less significant). As long as we're doing our best to stay on balance, God will support and be pleased with our efforts. The only time God is displeased with us when dealing with addiction is when we choose to simply give up trying.

I'm going to be addicted forever!

Not really. After quitting, the physical cravings eventually leave. All we have to do after that is avoid the temptation to "give addiction another try." As long as we avoid situations where we could be pressured into returning to our old habits, we will have no reason or desire to return.

I'm not strong enough to quit!

It doesn't matter how strong we are, because we have an ally in fighting addiction. No matter who we are or what we struggle with, Jesus Christ has atoned for us all! His strength does not come all at once, but as long as we do our best and pray for His help, He will give us the strength to escape. All we need is the desire to quit and faith in Jesus Christ and His redeeming power.


Ideas for Living This Commandment

Learn more about these substances
One of the most effective ways to increase our desire to quit is to learn more about the substances we use. How do they effect our bodies? What about the substance is addictive?

Consider attending the Addiction Recovery Program

The Church has an incredible addiction recovery program which combines the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous with the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Working in a private group can be very helpful if we've been frustrated trying to quit on our own. The program can be viewed at

See my post on Idolatry for more ideas

Addiction and Idolatry are very similar challenges. Learning more about avoiding Idolatry can help us overcome Addiction and vice versa. We should always remember that God will help us if we let Him.

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