Saturday, September 28, 2013

Commandments in the Media: Volume 2

"...Because I knew you, I have been changed for Good." Glenda

This isn't from Wicked.  It only looks like the lollipop guild.


I have never really had the opportunity to attend very many musicals. They're usually pretty pricey, and it's just so much easier to stay home and rent a movie. However, I took theater appreciation in collage, so I got to discover the wonderful world of musicals for the first time. One of the requirements to pass the class was to see two theater productions, so my mother and I made the cautious journey to the nearby theater to experience two plays. One of those was Wicked.

I've never had so much fun in my life. I came out of that theater beaming so hard, I couldn't stop. I felt like I wanted to take all of the money I had and shove it into the Wicked charity fund (I didn't, but I did give them five dollars). It entertained me, but it also uplifted me. I wanted to follow Elphaba's example and rise above my circumstances no matter what people thought of me. As I thought about what work best for Volume 2 of Commandments in the Media, Wicked stood out to me as an excellent candidate.

The Commandments in Wicked

A lot of times we're aware of how breaking the commandments causes problems in our lives, but we don't really think about how our actions can affect others. That seems to be the background theme of Wicked. Elphaba, the future wicked witch of the west, is a good natured woman who only wants to use her unique talents to help others. However, her life is thrown into chaos because of the selfish acts of one little man, The "Wonderful" Wizard of Oz.

In the very beginning of the play, The Wizard of Oz and Elphaba's mother have a secret affair. This moment affects Elphaba for the rest of her life. What should have been a loving family relationship is tainted by embarrassment, because of the affair and because Elphaba was born into the world green. When Elphaba and The Wizard finally do meet, The Wizard wastes no time trying to take advantage of her. When Elphaba refuses him, he throws her under the bus, ensuring that she would be labeled as 'Wicked' for the rest of her life. The Wizard's false witness clings to her until the day she "melts."

I don't want to make Wicked sound like a depressing musical, because it really isn't. I just want to point out that beyond the inspiring music and Elphaba's cheery attitude, Wicked depicts the harsh reality that we can't break commandments without affecting people around us.

On the postive side, Wicked also demonstrates the power a little service and hope have. Despite her circumstances, Elphaba remains stalwart and good until the very end. Her example changes Glenda's heart, which makes her the hero we see in the Wizard of Oz. Her efforts to help the Cowardly Lion, Tin Man, and Scarecrow backfire intially, but as we can later see, the weaknesses they received eventually became strengths. The only person Elphaba doesn't use her talents for is herself. I think the message here is powerful; no matter who you are, your service will change lives. After all, isn't that what Christ did?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Modern Commandments: The Word of Wisdom

"I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation..." Doctrine and Covenants 89:4

"Be glad that we don't need to say no to bacon"
In the process of restoring the Church of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith established what he called The School of the Prophets. It was a special doctrinal class for the men whom he had called to be modern Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. Joseph was a Prophet, a chosen servant of the Lord, but he needed the Apostles to be prepared for their duties.

When Joseph stepped into the class, he was usually greeted by a cloud of smoke. Some of the Apostles smoked, some of them chewed, but nearly all of them used tobacco of some form. Joseph would watch as they lit their pipes, grabbed another wad, and then began discussing the doctrines of Jesus Christ. Something about that struck Joseph as strange...

At some point during those days, Joseph heard from his wife, Emma. They had been holding The School of The Prophets in the upper floor of their store and it had fallen to Emma's responsibility to clean the room. "Joseph, our floor is stained with tobacco, and I can hardly breathe in this smoke. What do you think the Lord thinks of this?" This question must have surprised Joseph. Smoking was common practice in those days, so he may never have considered what the Lord thought of it before. "Perhaps I should ask." He decided.

Thus was the Word of Wisdom revealed to the World. God had revealed health related commandments before, but never had He revealed one specially adapted to the modern days. "In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation..."

What is The Word of Wisdom?

The Word of Wisdom is God's standard for what our bodies should consume. A central part of our purpose in being born was to gain a body. Our bodies and spirits are interconnected, strength in one can lead to strength in the other and vice versa, and so it's important to understand how to best take care of our bodies.

God has revealed that alcohol and tobacco are not meant to be consumed. He has also revealed that coffee and tea are not good for our bodies. Prophets after Joseph Smith further explained that we need to avoid any substance that alters or harms our body and mind or creates dependency within us.

Beyond these warnings, God also revealed several positive health principles. Grains and fruits were divinely approved. Meat was also approved, but it was to be consumed sparingly.  God revealed alternate uses for alcohol and tobacco (one as a cleansing agent, the other for bruises). He then explained that all who obey the Word of Wisdom will receive improved health, treasures of knowledge, increased strength, and will be spared from the destroying angel.

Why Should I Follow The Word of Wisdom?

The reasons for following the Word of Wisdom are fairly visible. The substances mentioned in the Word of Wisdom are addictive and end up weakening our freedom to choose. They also damage our body and make it more difficult to feel God's love and influence. Despite these obvious blessings and cursings, people choose not to believe in it. I have been asked many times why God would care if they drunk, smoke, etc. I believe that this doubt comes because people become afraid of being held accountable for their habits. Satan tells people that they can't quit, that they aren't strong enough to quit, or that they're better off not trying. He tries to convince them that they should just get comfortable smoking or drinking because they're stuck.

Most concerns about The Word of Wisdom are founded on misunderstandings or lies from the adversary. Here are some of the false ideas that Satan tries to plant in our hearts and why they're completely wrong.

If I relapse, I've failed!

From my personal experience with dealing with habits, I know that God is patient with us, even after moments of weakness. Overcoming addiction is a lot like riding a bike, when we start out we're going to fall a few times, but that's not going to disqualify us. As long as we're trying our best, we will improve. As we improve, we will fall less often and our falls will be safer (less significant). As long as we're doing our best to stay on balance, God will support and be pleased with our efforts. The only time God is displeased with us when dealing with addiction is when we choose to simply give up trying.

I'm going to be addicted forever!

Not really. After quitting, the physical cravings eventually leave. All we have to do after that is avoid the temptation to "give addiction another try." As long as we avoid situations where we could be pressured into returning to our old habits, we will have no reason or desire to return.

I'm not strong enough to quit!

It doesn't matter how strong we are, because we have an ally in fighting addiction. No matter who we are or what we struggle with, Jesus Christ has atoned for us all! His strength does not come all at once, but as long as we do our best and pray for His help, He will give us the strength to escape. All we need is the desire to quit and faith in Jesus Christ and His redeeming power.


Ideas for Living This Commandment

Learn more about these substances
One of the most effective ways to increase our desire to quit is to learn more about the substances we use. How do they effect our bodies? What about the substance is addictive?

Consider attending the Addiction Recovery Program

The Church has an incredible addiction recovery program which combines the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous with the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Working in a private group can be very helpful if we've been frustrated trying to quit on our own. The program can be viewed at

See my post on Idolatry for more ideas

Addiction and Idolatry are very similar challenges. Learning more about avoiding Idolatry can help us overcome Addiction and vice versa. We should always remember that God will help us if we let Him.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Quick Update: Volume 1

Update on Color of the Commandments!

I've been working for about a week on The Sabbath Day. I've written it, rewritten it, and I simply can't write it in a way that I'm satisfied with. It's always been a commandment I've struggled with. I keep it, but I don't really understand it. So, instead of letting my entire blog fall apart because of getting stuck on The Sabbath Day, I'm going to skip it for now.

I've done some thinking about how to better improve Color of the Commandments. Previously, I had felt that posting as often as possible was the best way to add content, but I've realized that method is inefficient and it makes it hard for any readers to want to regularly view the blog. So, I'm going to posting in a more regular schedule.

Posting Schedule (May be subject to change)
Color of the Commandments Posts will be published on Wednesdays
Commandments in the Media Posts will be published on Saturdays

I will continue to work on content and blog formatting during the week. Hopefully, this decision will make Color of the Commandments much easier for you all to read and enjoy. Thank you for your support!

Elder Michael Cockrum

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hello Friends of the World!

Hello Everyone! Elder Cox here making my debut as a guest blogger on Color of the Commandments! I'm super pumped to have the opportunity to share the things I know and love about the Doctrine of Christ. Over the next little while I will be posting all about the the most important Gospel Principles and how they have helped me and more importantly how they can help YOU!!! I haven't always lived the things I will teach, so don't get the impression I think I'm perfect at these, but I will share with you how living this way has brought me more happiness than I've ever had.

Stay tuned to find out how Jesus Christ can change your life too!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Commandments in the Media: Volume 1

"True love, really is the greatest thing in the world..." Miracle Max

Ooh, watch! He's going to fight left handed!

The Princess Bride

I wanted to start "Commandments in the Media" with a movie that nearly everybody loves and cherishes. I wanted it to be a classic that stands the test of time, one so classic that you could close your eyes and see the characters and scenes. The only movie I could think of that deserved that honor was The Princess Bride. Most of us know it as a childhood favorite that we could quote every single line from, but as I thought more about it, I realized that it would also make the perfect movie to start this feature with. 

The Princess Bride is a story of true heroes, true villains, and true wove, flooding with unfailing christian chivalry. You've probably seen it a thousand times before... but have you ever considered it from perspective of The Commandments?

The Commandments in The Princess Bride

Nearly all of the greatest moments in The Princess Bride can be tied into The Commandments. The entire movie is filled with good old-fashioned christian chivalry, which is not only inspiring but humorous in a positive sort of way.

A lot of my favorite moments in the movie come during the fight scenes. The sword fighting is kind of neat (old-fashioned and still neat), but I also find it interesting to see the respect that the heroes have for life. Even when the villains play dirty (like throwing a dagger or fighting left handed), the heroes never kill anyone unless they're attacked first. For example, during their duels, Wesley knocks Inigo and Fezzik unconscious rather than killing them. During the scenes in the castle, the only soldiers killed by the heroes are the three who attack Inigo. Then later, when Inigo faces Count Rugan, he waits to fight him until he makes the first attack. There is not a single character that the heroes kill who wasn't trying to kill them first, and to me, this respect for life creates respect for the heroes.

Another one of my favorite moments is Inigo's prayer. When Inigo and Fezzick face a closed door on their journey to find "the man in black," Inigo drops to his knees and prays for his father's spirit to guide his sword. With his eyes closed and in hilariously dramatic fashion, he ends up accidentally stabbing it into a tree knot, which reveals the hidden passageway to "the man in black." This moment really shows that prayer doesn't make a big show or give us all of the answers. Inigo was gently guided to the knot and he initially thought his prayer hadn't been answered, however when he leaned on it, he learned that his faith was correct. How important is it for us that we lean on the answers that we receive through Prayer and exercise that faith?

Another great moment, remember the battle of wits? Wesley tricked Vicini into drinking poison by drinking along with him. However, he had built up an immunity to iocane power. If Vicini had let go of his pride and refused to drink, he would have survived his encounter with the man in black. Just like that, we have modern poisons like alcohol and drugs, that can be just as deadly to us, even though we don't see other people experience the consequences. I'm thankful for the Word of Wisdom, which protects us from "falling into one of the classic blunders."

Finally, the entire movie is just full of Christlike love. Wesley and Buttercup have such a sweet relationship, because it is founded on service and loyalty, rather than on looks or cheap pleasure. Having an attitude of service creates "true wove" in our relationships. May we all follow this example and serve our families and friends. As we do, we will experience the joy and confidence of serving our neighbors and we will be able to follow the Savior's example, who loved us so much he gave us His life in service. "As you wish."

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Commandments in the Media: Introduction

Look unto me in every thought... Doctrine and Coventants 6:36

"Look ma! I'm keeping the commandments!"
It's one thing to read the commandments in the scriptures, but following them may still be difficult. We can know about the commandments, but if they don't become part of our desires, application can be frustrating and difficult. We need a stepping stone from knowing about the commandments to remembering them, and that can only happen if we really think about them a lot.

The funny thing is... we actually do think about them a lot! We just don't realize it. Whenever we watch a movie, or view any form of media, what we view becomes part of us. That means that while negative, inappropriate media influences us to see the world in a darker tint, positive media can influence us to live the commandments!

This introduces the first new series into Color of the Commandments. In "Commandments in the Media," I uncover the gospel principles I've observed in my all-time favorite media. There will be no copyrighted pictures, but there will be commandment oriented descriptions of classic media. My purpose here is to demonstrate the eternal principle that Mormon teaches in The Book of Mormon. "Behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God." (Moroni 7:13)

I hope you all enjoy this exciting new series.

Elder Michael Cockrum

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Christ's Commandments: Baptism

"Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." John 3:5
"Fulfill all righteousness."

Late one evening, Jesus Christ had a visitor. A man named Nicodemus had heard of Christ's miracles and teachings, and he wanted to meet Him. He recognized that Jesus had to be a man of God, for no evil man could do the good He was doing.

Nicodemus must have been excited for his personal interview with Jesus, but little did he know, he was the one going to be interviewed. In solemn simplicity, Christ declared that a man could not enter God's kingdom without being born of water and the spirit. Nicodemus was shocked, the common belief of the time was that Baptism was not needed for the Jews (God's first covenant people), but Jesus Christ declared that it was an essential requirement for all people! Even Christ Himself, being the only incorruptible man on the earth, chose to be baptized so that He could "fulfill all righteousness."

Several thousand years have past since Jesus Christ's life. Baptism is still a central part of Christianity, but some Christian groups no longer believe that it's necessary for salvation. Nevertheless, Christ's words to Nicodemus still stand.

Why is Baptism Essential for Eternal Life?

Baptism is the first ordinance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. An ordinance is simply a sacred ceremony where we make a promise with God. When we make a promise with God, He sets the terms and we're free to hold to our promise and receive the blessings, or neglect our promise and be held accountable. The greatest blessings God has in store for us can only be received when we make promises to Him and Baptism is the first of these promises we can make.

Baptism is essential for several reasons. When we're baptized by the priesthood authority of God, the sins of the past are washed away. This is not just a one time cleansing, but a continual cleansing that we renew every time we take The Sacrament worthily. Baptism is also one of God's Commandments for us. Christ was baptized because He knew it was God's will and He was willing to obey all of God's Commandments.

Although being baptized at all shows God our desire to follow Him, God has specific standards for those who want to fulfill His Commandments. To be baptized according to God's standards, He requires that we work to give up our knowingly sinful behaviors and follow Jesus Christ until the end of our lives. He also requires that the person baptizing us needs to have the Priesthood, which is authority and power from God to baptize. Without that authority, we can't be cleansed from sin or fulfill God's Commandment to be baptized.

What Happens to People Who Die Before Being Baptized?

Jesus Christ teaches that Baptism is necessary to enter the Kingdom of God, however, most of the people who have lived on the earth never had the chance to be baptized, let alone by the Priesthood. In order to give everyone the opportunity to be saved, God has established an ordinance called "Baptism for the Dead." Baptism for the Dead means that faithful members of The Church can be baptized in the Temple for their dead ancestors and for people of other faiths. Once the work has been done for them, the spirits of the dead have the decision whether to accept that Baptism or not.

Although God has prepared this wonderful safety net, we should not use this as a reason to be slothful. Baptism for the Dead is for those who never had a chance to be Baptized by the Priesthood. If we know without a doubt that Baptism is necessary for us, but neglect our responsibility and aren't baptized, we will not receive a second chance.

"It only takes five seconds."

Ideas For Living This Commandment

We should all repent and be baptized! If we've been baptized, we need to take The Sacrament and renew that promise with God! If we do this, we will be cleansed from our sins and be free from that burden. We will discover a better life with Christ and we will have greater motivation to follow Him.

If you are concerned in any way at all about your baptism or are interested in being baptized by the Priesthood, come to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I've received a witness of the Priesthood, and I know that you can receive this witness too.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Christ's Commandments: The Sacrament

"For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins..."
Matthew 26:28
"No, I'm not literally feeding you with flesh and blood, it's symbolic."
The Last Supper may have been the most uncomfortable dinner party in history. It all began when Jesus Christ asked His Disciples to find a room to celebrate the Passover feast in. They must have been excited, but they quickly learned that this was going to be no cozy meal. Jesus announced that He would soon be betrayed to His death. All of the Apostles were saddened by this news except for Judas, who was more annoyed that Jesus knew what he was planning.

It was in this solemn atmosphere that Jesus decided to begin the real meal of the occasion. He shredded a loaf of bread and then, after the Apostles ate from it, He passed around a cup of wine. This, He declared, was the "blood of the new testament," or the new promise which they would make with God. It was a symbol designed to remind them of His death and the meaning it would have for the world. Ever since that fateful night, Christians all over the world have continued that essential supper, hoping to remember Christ and the price that He paid soon after it was finished.

Why Do Christians Still Eat and Drink The Sacrament?

The Sacrament (sometimes also called Communion) is a symbol of Jesus Christ and His Sacrifice. It's a reminder of His sacrifice in The Garden of Gethsemane and on the Cross. Jesus Christ's sacrifice and later return to life is called The Atonement, and it's the only way to be reconciled with God. Thus, eating The Sacrament is a way to express gratitude for Jesus Christ's sacrifice.

Jesus Christ explained that The Sacrament is necessary to receiving eternal life. "Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. (John 6:54)" After His death and Resurrection, the Apostle Paul added a solemn warning about The Sacrament. "...let a man examine himself... For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. (1 Corintians 28-29)" It is clear in The Holy Bible that The Sacrament is extremely important, but it doesn't explain how.

Fortunately, there was another people Christ taught about The Sacrament. They lived on the opposite side of the world, far out of the knowledge of the Jewish people. They kept their own record, which is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. That record was The Book of Mormon.

What Does The Book of Mormon Teach About The Sacrament?

The Nephite people were living on the American continent around the time of Christ's death. They had prophets of their own who taught them the Commandments and testified of Jesus Christ and His Atonement. After Christ's death, a massive storm struck the American continent and covered the land with darkness. After His Resurrection and work among the Jews was complete, Christ Himself appeared to the Nephites and revealed His Gospel to them. While He visited them, He further explained many elements of His gospel, including Baptism and The Sacrament.

Jesus Christ explained: "...[The Sacrament] doth witness unto the Father that ye are willing to do that which I have commanded you. And this shall ye always do to those who repent and are baptized in my name; and ye shall do it in remembrance of my blood, which I have shed for you, that ye may witness unto the Father that ye do always remember me. And if ye do always remember me ye shall have my Spirit to be with you." (3 Nephi 18:10-11)

The Book of Mormon reveals the connection between Baptism and The Sacrament. When we are baptized by priesthood authority,  we make a promise to God to obey His Commandments and do our best to live a good life. With baptism comes the promise that as long as we're worthy, we can always have The Holy Spirit with us. The full purpose of The Sacrament is to renew the promise made at Baptism, which cleanses us from sin and allows us to always have the Holy Spirit's guidance. With this context, we can better understand The New Testament scriptures. The Sacrament is essential for eternal life because it is how keep our remission of sins after Baptism. Paul's warning about The Sacrament was for people who were baptized, but no longer met the basic standards for Baptism.

"Oh, it's symbolic!"

Ideas for Living This Commandment

Repent and be Baptized!
Baptism is what starts us on the journey to eternal happiness. Without being Baptized, The Sacrament can't purify us or fill us with the Holy Spirit.

Attend Church Regularly and Take The Sacrament
When we make that consistent effort each week to take The Sacrament, we show Jesus Christ that we want to follow His example. We receive that refreshing spirit, which braces us and prepares us for the trials and challenges of the week.

Visit The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
When we need a doctor or a police officer, we hope they have authority and that they are properly trained for their job. Likewise, when we take The Sacrament, we hope that the men blessing and passing it are authorized servants of Jesus Christ. The Sacrament always reminds us of Jesus Christ, but there's something special about it when it's blessed and passed by God's Priesthood authority. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only church on earth today that has the Priesthood and that authority invites a special spirit into the meeting. I would invite everyone to come and experience that feeling for themselves. I know you will be impressed with what you experience.